Tuesday 15 April 2014


It has been 6 month++ of breastfeed my baby Harith…

So far Alhamdulillah
Starting pumping with manual hand…
Imagine…I am working mama…
Manually perah miss B by hand during ofis hour..

Alhamdulillah ya Allah atas rezeki yang Kau beri…

Very challenging…
Thinking about time..Rushing with your work..
Lunch… and leisure time with fren…

Feeling difficult at first stage..
Stress..Thinking whether my EBM enough for my Harith or not..

Imagine pumping manually by hand..
No pumping machine support…

Take 1/2 hour for 1 session…
Filling 4-5 oz per bottle…

It is really worth than Hakim time before…just 2-3 oz per session..With pump support..

Is it wonderful moment??
Compare to by hand vs pam…

Wondering if I am using pump…
I will get double / extra stock for EBM..
But… it cannot go through…
Trying to use the pump…
I cannot make it…
Fobia ..i guess…

The miss B cannot accept it…
Fobia with last experience (with Hakim)

Trying to googling latest design of breast pump in market…
But what for??

It’s already 6 month…
For how long u will gonna use it??
And do you really totally use it??
(As u feel comfort with ur touch??)

It is seem wasteful…
Thou..you still fobia with the process..

Then proceed with my precious hand…
Easy going…
Simple…flexible..time saving…save gadget..
No noise..no big storage bag…
Last but not least..Money saving..

I can make it around 15 minutes..for 4-5 oz…
For manually (no support with machine)
And sometimes..i can make it till 7-8 oz..
If mss B is really full…

But I have to make sure… I will not take longer time than 20-30min..
If this happen… it only give me 3 oz…
It really works…

Furthermore less people notice my activity…
Nobody can smell what the rock is cooking…hihi…

Thus…weekdays…office hours…
I use to bring back home…3 bottles of 4-5 oz….
Sometime…It gives extra 1 bottle of 2 oz…
Sometimes..it less 1 bottle of 2 oz..

It happens in month 5…
My stocks were dropped…
I once surrender..
I once bought formula powder milk to Harith…
Thinking I am not able to support the breastmilk for Harith…

But once I am rilex…
Open up my mind….
I struggle…
Still got 4-5 pax of 4-5 oz milk storage in frozen…
While I am keep pumping my breast 3 times without fail during ofis hour…
Continuously stay awake at 3-4 am every night to express my BM..
Maybe it produces little and takes long time…
3 oz for 1/2…

Keep it up my mind…

There is challenge…
There are obstacles…
Yet I can go through…
Yet I can survive…
My Harith also survived…
And my EBM stock…never finished totally…
Still have extra..Like rationing.. I guess…

Just bear in mind…
No supply no demand…
BM decreases due to your baby needed decrease too…

Just notice that…Harith is actively exploring his world…
That is why he refused to have his milk…
By then… the lactation process decreased too…

When it back to normal…
Your baby reach the sentence phase..
Then the lactation becomes normal…
And the flow of BM production going smooth and successful..
Reach the target…
You need not to worry anymore…

It happens before..During Hakim BF..
Every 6 month… my EBM will drop…
First 6 month…
Second 6 month..(I year)
Then after the 3rd of 6 month….
It looks like the graph is constantly up and down…
Have it own rhythm…
If you notice…
Like weather…like season…
Just like your baby too…

Pray the best for my baby benefit…
Pray the best for my last chance to have this wonderful moment…
Pray the best for my continuous support to BF Harith..
Pray the best for all mommies out there for your sincerity..for your time spending for your loved ones..
It is precious gift for all moms…
Take it… and enjoy it..

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah…
for this moment..

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