Tuesday 11 November 2014


It is very meaningful to have chances to breastfeed your baby…
Not every woman has this bless to bf their babies even they have to…

I was feeling bless and relieved..While I have chances to bf my 2 sons..
And so sorry for my daughter..i have no enough knowledge to do so..

The breastfeeding journey is so wonderful yet to very challenging for working mama like me..

Upon learn experience from other’s mama..reading a lot…google a lot…
Mindset… consistency…rilex…positive thinking… and set your aim and objective….thru Doa that I will keep maintain bf to my babies..

Finally I complete to fully bf my 2 babies for 1 year..and continue bf till now, my 2nd son already 1 year and 1 month..
Amazingly..i just manually pumping with my hand..
No machine…no gadget…
Just bottle and hand..
Keep me comfortable and convenient to seeking comfortable place for expressing my bf….

Spending 3 times daily at office hour
For 15-30 minutes
It worth me 2 – 3 oz per session for both side…
Sometime bonus for me for 5-6 oz per session…
Or unlucky me…just only 1 oz for 30 minutes for both side…
What ever it is…
I just only spend 15-30 minutes for what ever oz I get..
I will stop..
I will never push the limit..
I will never spend more than that…
(me still thinking that I need to rilex…focus to job task ….
Never neglected your duty as a employee…)

Just to share that if you missing 15-30 minutes from your workstation, your boss or colleague will never ask… they might think u are in ladies..or maybe u in meeting….discussion…lets try…)

Until now..i think I have no big problem with my schedule…
Plus…I have discuss with my superior regarding this issue..
Thus..i am still on my track…keep my task done on time…
And my superior surprised when she knew that I am still expressing my milk..
**see…she doesn’t notice I am missing for ebm…hehehehe..

Truly…I really enjoy this moment…
The moment when you are really close to your babies..
Wondering when they grow up…u will not so close like this anymore…

Let’s mama…
Grab this opportunity…
Ignore the entire obstacle…
There really have chances…
Whether you want to or not…
Appreciated this moment…
It will never come around…..

Pray for all breastfeed mama…
Pray for all little babies…. 

Safe journey…enjoy the momento…
(poyo la plaks writing camni...what ever..)


**for sharing :


“Ya Allah..permudahkanlah segala urusan kehidupanku…
Banyakkanlah susuku untuk bayiku…
Dan permudahkanlah perjalananku untuk menyusukan anakku agar menuruti segala yang telah Engkau syariatkan…

Amalkan surah Al-Hujurat & Al-Kautsar….

Juga Al-Baqarah:60…
‘Dan (ingatlah) ketika Nabi Musa memohon supaya diberi air untuk kaumnya…
Maka Kami berfirman: “Pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu,” (ia pun memukulnya), lalu terpancutlah dari batu itu  12 mata air…Sesungguhnya tiap-tiap satu puak (di antara mereka) telah mengetahui tempat minumnya masing-masing. (Dan Kami berfirman): Makanlah dan minumlah kamu dari rezeki Allah itu, dan janganlah kamu merebakkan bencana kerosakan di muka bumi..’

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